How To Start Saving Money On Food

You can save money on just about anything and this includes food at the grocery store. Here are some tips on how to save some dough on food.
- Cook. You shouldn’t pay for the convenience of pre-made meals. Buy the ingredients yourself and make your own homemade meals. Those meals will be healthier and much fresher.
- Coupons. You get them in the mail or can find them online. Put them to good use and save a couple of bucks on every visit to the grocery store. This adds up to a couple hundred dollars every year.
- Farm. I know we’re not living in the 1900′s anymore but if you have a house with some room you can plant your own garden. You can grow tomatoes and strawberries and have an avocado or orange tree too. You’ll most likely produce more than you want to eat, so you can just trade fruits/vegetables with your friends/family/neighbors who also have their own mini garden.
- Sales. When you find a good sale on items you regularly buy, stock up and save big. The way this can backfire is if you’re buying items that go bad fast.